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If we (perhaps)
did something wrong

Making mistakes is human, a thousand times sorry

Sorry, sorry, a thousand times sorry. Customer satisfaction is extremely important to us. Despite this, it is nevertheless possible that we find a mare's nest, make a mistake or forget something. Of course, you should not be the victim of this.

How to proceed?

  • We lossen je klacht graag op. Dat lukt het snelst wanneer je contact op neemt met je (vaste) contactpersoon. Bel of mail haar of hem direct of neem contact op met ons MT via of telefonisch 085 – 303 6429. 
  • Not satisfied with the answer? Take it higher up and write to our complaints officer. You can e-mail him ( or send a letter by post to the address below. You will receive an answer within 5 working days. Please include your own email address and telephone number in your letter or e-mail. Then our complaints officer may be able to help you even faster.

    T.a.v. de Klachtenfunctionaris
    Reactorweg 47 bg
    3542 AD Utrecht 

Would you like to know exactly how it works and read the extended version of our complaints procedure? Then read on below.

Complaints, we prefer to solve them as quickly as possible and together with you.
Complaints Procedure LEAN LAWYERS
Complaints Procedure LEAN LAWYERS
1. Definition
klacht – elke redelijkerwijs als zodanig aan te merken, mondeling of schriftelijk gedane uitlating van ongenoegen betreffende de dienstverlening door de advocaat, door of namens de cliënt kenbaar gemaakt. 
klager – de cliënt of diens vertegenwoordiger die een klacht uit. 
klachtenprocedure – de op het kantoor gehanteerde procedure voor behandeling van klachten. 
klachtenregeling – dit document, zijnde de schriftelijke weergave van de op het kantoor gehanteerde klachtenprocedure. 
klachtenfunctionaris – de persoon, niet zijnde de advocaat tegen wie de klacht is gericht, aan wie de behandeling van de klacht is overgedragen. 
klachtenregistratieformulier – een intern te gebruiken formulier ter uitvoering van de in de klachtenregeling vastgelegde procedure. 
Geschillencommissie Advocatuur – de commissie ingesteld door de Stichting Geschillencommissies voor consumentenzaken (SGC) en die voor Beroep en Bedrijf (SGB) waar het kantoor betwiste en onbetaald gebleven declaraties kan voorleggen en waar prijs-/kwaliteitsgeschillen kunnen worden aanhangig gemaakt als de door het kantoor aangereikte oplossing niet tot tevredenheid leidt. 
Geschillenregeling Advocatuur – de bij de Geschillencommissie Advocatuur gehanteerde procedure tot beslechting van geschillen tussen advocaten en cliënten. 
Reglement Geschillencommissie Advocatuur – het reglement waarin de werkwijze van de Geschillencommissie Advocatuur is neergelegd. 
2. Objectives
The objectives of the complaints mechanism are
1. establishing a procedure to constructively deal with client complaints within a reasonable period of time.
2. establishing a procedure for determining the causes of client complaints.
3. maintaining and improving existing relationships through proper complaint handling.
4. train staff to respond to complaints in a client-focused manner.
5. improving the quality of service by means of complaint handling and complaint analysis.
3. Informing the client
The lawyer
1. informs the client that the office uses a complaints mechanism.
2. informs the client that the option exists to submit unresolvable problems to the Disputes Resolution Committee for the Legal Profession.
3. informs the client that the Disputes Resolution Committee for the Legal Profession Regulations of can be obtained from the committee's secretary at P.O. Box 90600, 2509 LP, The Hague.
4. The internal complaints procedure
1. If a client in any way contacts the office with a complaint, the lawyer concerned must be informed.
2. The lawyer concerned will try to find a resolution together with the client, whether or not following consultation with the Complaints Officer.
3. The lawyer in question or the Complaints Officer, as the case may be, will ensure proper handling of the complaint in accordance with the current complaints mechanism.
4. Confidentiality must be ensured in all circumstances.
5. The decision on the complaint will be communicated to the client.
6. If in the contact with the client the complaint is not settled in a satisfactory manner, the matter will be submitted to the Disputes Resolution Committee for the Legal Profession
5. Registration and classification of the complaint
1. All complaints shall be registered according to the complaint registration form
2. The Complaints Officer registers and classifies the complaint
3. The complaint is classified
    • by method of submission as (A) oral or (B) written
    • by the nature of the complaint according to the following categories
    • I. Complaints about the way the lawyer works/behaviour
    • II. complaints concerning legal aspects of service provision
    • III. complaints concerning financial aspects of the service
    • IV. complaints about the practice in general
4. A complaint can be classified into several classes.
5. If the complaint has been dealt with satisfactorily, the lawyer concerned and the Complaints Officer will sign the Complaints Registration Form.
6. Responsibilities
1. The lawyer concerned and subsequently the Complaints Officer are responsible for the handling and processing of complaints.
2. The complaints officer is responsible for ensuring that the complaints registration form is completed in full.
3. The lawyer concerned will keep the complaints officer informed of the subsequent handling of the complaint.
4. The complaint must be settled in writing by the office within four weeks.
5. The complaints officer will ensure that the complainant receives a response.
6. The complaint committee keeps the complaint file up to date.
7. The complainant does not owe any compensation for the costs of processing the complaint.
7. Analysis of the complaints
1. The complaint registration forms are collected by the complaints officer after the complaint has been settled.
2. The Complaints Officer shall report periodically on the settlement of complaints.
3. The Complaints Officer processes the data and draws up an annual analysis.
4. The Complaints Officer also makes recommendations for the prevention of any new complaints and for the improvement of the procedures.
8. Internal discussions
1. Based on an analysis, the complaint records are discussed at the office once a year.
2. Improvement measures are prepared and planned.
3. The Complaints Officer is responsible for preparing this meeting and making an analysis.
9. Preventive action
1. Based on the annual analysis of the complaints officer, the office shall decide on the preventive measures to be taken in order to improve the quality of service.
2. The measures to be taken shall be presented together with the analysis in the office meeting.
You can submit your complaint by e-mail ( for the attention of the Complaints Officer.

Sounds good?
Call, email or send us an WhatsApp message


Reactorweg 47

3542 AD  Utrecht
+31 85 303 64 29

B Corp


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